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Why is SEO so important?

Пояснення основ SEO для вебсайтів

The Internet is a real opportunity for company promotion and development. The first rule is to make it easy for potential customers to find you.

Google has become an indispensable tool for making yourself known or making your company known both online and offline. Most SEO activities involve studying Google’s algorithm and constantly updating it with appropriate actions to make sites more “attractive” to the search engine. 

What is SEO?

SEO is a set of strategies aimed at increasing the visibility of a website by improving its position in search engine rankings, in the unpaid results known as “organic results”.

The acronym S.E.O. stands for Search Engine Optimization and literally means optimization for search engines. These methods are diverse and relate to different aspects of a website:

🟦 optimization of the site structure

🟦 HTML code

🟦 text content;

🟦 link management

Strategic SEO stage: keyword selection

This stage is crucial; any SEO activity is meaningless without first conducting an accurate analysis of the keywords that will be selected for the campaign.

The search for the “best” keywords can be carried out using software tools, user surveys, competitor analysis (competitive benchmarking), and the search engine itself.


Переваги SEO-оптимізації для малого бізнесу

For successful SEO activities, it is advisable to choose keywords that are not too general, as otherwise it will be very difficult, and in some cases impossible, to achieve good results in a timely manner due to high competition.

But also not too specific, because if they are poorly searched, they will not bring any traffic to the site! When choosing keywords, the “long tail” theory of C. Anderson is applied, according to which niche products will have a much better chance of profitability: therefore, it is good to consider keywords consisting of one/two keys and with a high search volume, but it is also important to choose keywords consisting of several words with a lower volume.

A good set of keywords is one that contains the right balance between niche and general words, between transactional, informational, and navigation keys.

Applying this theory from an SEO perspective, it is better to choose long-tail keywords with high conversion rates and low competition than keys with high competition and low conversion rates).

Want to find the right keywords to reach your audience?

    SEO and content marketing: if you don't index it, the content doesn't exist!

    SEO without content is meaningless, and content without SEO is invisible!

    It’s clear that content and SEO are two indispensable elements that are closely linked to attract interested users to your website.

    “Content is king” is a phrase you’ve probably heard before, but even great content, if it’s not optimized in a way that Google rewards it in search results, won’t do you any tangible good.

    Without interesting content that can attract the attention of your audience, there is no point in starting such a business. Creating valuable, interesting, and attention-grabbing textual and visual content is a necessary but not sufficient condition for success.

    You have to create content following the rules of SEO copywriting and distribute it wherever your audience gathers: on the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo!) that bring the most visits, on social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc.), on forums, and in all places where your potential customers gather.

    Moreover, you should make sure that your content is accessible from all devices (PC, smartphone, or tablet) and find the right timeframe for publishing it: this way, the distribution of your content will be as effective as possible.

    SEO is fundamental to any business, but it is especially ideal for small companies, bloggers, and startups that do not have large budgets but are looking to achieve significant and lasting results. The investment required to develop and implement a good SEO strategy is one of the ones that yields the highest ROI (Return on Investment) over time.

    SEO or PPC campaigns?

    сео оптимізація сайту

    You don’t have to ask yourself “what’s better,” but you do have to ask: What do I want to achieve? In what time frame? We often hear that optimization results are not quantifiable. Of course, it’s much easier to understand the effects of a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign, but in the long run, the results can be measured.

    SEA (Search Engine Advertising), also known as search engine advertising, is a branch of web marketing that encompasses all activities aimed at generating qualified traffic to a particular website and is carried out on Google using the Google Ads loop.

    But how does the mechanism of paid campaigns work? Advertisers pay a certain amount every time a user clicks on their link. Google’s auction logic is based on the quality score, which is determined by the quality of the ad content, landing page, and keywords in relation to the search query.

    SEA is important to make a name for yourself in the near future by pushing site pages up, improving rankings and looking for more conversions, while with SEO, you can achieve better promotion over time, in a natural and organic way.

    It makes sense that paid advertising generates more traffic in the short term, while SEO leads to less frequent results over time, in the sense that it takes a longer time interval to get positive results.

    If you want to control your target audience, paid promotion is definitely more suitable, while with SEO, things will be more complicated and less constant, as search engines often update their algorithms in an effort to reward new content that needs to be updated accordingly (which with SEO can become a challenge).

    However, there is no doubt that in order to be competitive, it is necessary to use multiple communication channels. The ideal option, also in the field of lead generation and lead marketing, is to use a marketing mix policy that can implement several aspects, as this is the only way to achieve greater profitability.

    SEO activities consist of several analytical, strategic, and operational stages.

    On the operational side, there are many different factors to consider when optimizing a website.

    ☑Therefore, if you value your time and money, the best recommendation is to turn to professionals in this field.

    – The team of SEO specialists MyTeam.

    Free expert consultation

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